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The Importance of Data-Driven Culture Programs

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The use of predictive data is becoming increasingly common to help organizations and teams function more successfully and shape workplace cultures. For many organizations, improving the employee experience and employee wellbeing are top priorities. As such, it’s paramount for business leaders to ensure that their people are on board for data-driven culture change within the organization and supportive of treating data as an investment within their teams.

Workplace culture change is a continuous process hinging upon many elements, ranging from leadership, to change management initiatives, to the readiness of individual employees. Change is not something people tend to embrace, and oftentimes remaining complacent by getting stuck in the same routine seems to be an unavoidable part of human nature. When internal and external changes are necessary, a company must be prepared to respond to the needs of its employees. One of the easiest ways to anticipate these needs is through proper data collection and analysis.

How can data support culture change in the workplace?

Meaningful culture change starts with meaningful data. Collecting high quality data can identify opportunities for impact and improvement, as well as bottlenecks that could impede the change management process. Additionally, data can ensure that culture change efforts are truly aligned with a workplace’s unique needs and are relevant and topical.

The most common method of data collection in most workplaces is through the deployment of surveys. Surveys allow employers to glean insights regarding employee sentiments and behavior, and can provide a vehicle for employees to express their opinions and feel heard by their employers. 

What are the benefits of data-driven cultural change?

It’s possible to leverage the information you collect about your culture, processes, and workplace in the right way to transform your organization’s culture. With data comes insight, and insight breeds confidence when managing challenges and implementing solutions. Furthermore, with data in hand, your changes can be fluid. You will be able to pivot or respond to your teams and employees as new data uncovers new insights.

Data monitoring allows you to be proactive in your response to employees’ needs, reactive to their requests, and see the bigger picture of your organization through the lens of your employees’ varied experiences. Making changes and decisions based on data shows a commitment to implementing programs that center around employee feedback in a fair and equitable way. This creates an environment where employees are more likely to be open and transparent and understanding of the changes taking place, because the changes aren’t based on opinion — they’re based on data.  

How can you gather employee and workplace data effectively and efficiently?

Enhancing data-driven decision making to improve employee performance and workplace culture is only possible with improved and efficient methods of data collection. At Vityl, we’ve created an all-encompassing platform built for organizations who want to understand their people and use that data to create positive change within their teams and company overall. Vityl initially deploys a baseline survey to gauge an organization’s starting point related to belonging, and then continuously deploys short pulse surveys to gather real-time data and recommend topical goals and actionable nudges.

Belonging is the ultimate force multiplier for today’s teams and organizations. To learn more about Vityl and unlock the power of belonging, visit the Pricing page.

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