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Employee engagement made easy

Scale your culture
in just a few clicks.

Vityl is the premier employee engagement platform boosting belonging to shape winning workplaces.

The Vityl advantage.

Rooted in research

Informed by a scientific model of belonging validated by two studies of more than a thousand professionals, Vityl reflects the leading academic research on workplace belonging.

Light lift, big benefits

Automatically activated surveys, goals, and nudges seamlessly foster employee engagement, growth, and connections and free HR executives from the administrative grind.

Epic industry intelligence

Tracking tools keep HR leaders, managers, and team members engaged and motivated, while industry-wide data helps companies understand how their culture compares.

How It Works

Building community to better businesses.

Continuously aggregating and analyzing employee survey data, Vityl elevates the aspects of company culture that matter most to your people, prescribing organizational goals based on your team’s unique challenges and prompting motivational nudges to drive companies forward.


Tune into your team.

Vityl tracks your team’s starting line with a Baseline Belonging and Engagement Survey, circulates regular Pulse Surveys to gather real-time feedback and refine goal and nudge recommendations, and consolidates user metrics into Benchmark Data companies can use to understand their belonging scores and gauge their own results.

Keep your eyes on the prize.

Vityl rallies teams around a shared purpose with Goals, communal objectives unlocked by employee survey data. Designed to address your organization’s specific roadblocks, Goals empower tangible progress and eliminate the need for complex culture plans and playbooks.

Grow company culture organically.

Vityl automatically prompts AI-powered Nudges, suggested activities and resources, based on your organization’s unique goals, drawing on machine learning to sharpen its recommendations over time. From uplifting onboarding with festive first-day agendas to mobilizing mentorship with organic outreach prompts, Vityl Nudges foster stronger bonds, thoughtful dialogue, and meaningful progress.

Vityl Closeup

Take teamwork to the top of the charts.

Include, connect, and celebrate your people with our seamless solution.

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