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Why are Nudges So Effective in Supporting Culture Change?

Have you ever walked past the food court in the mall, only to be lured by the strong aroma of cookies or cinnamon buns? That’s a nudge. Think about grocery shopping — how likely are you to notice the cereal all the way on the bottom shelf? If the answer is not likely, that’s because you’re being nudged to notice the cereal on the middle shelf.

What are nudges?

Nudging are light, easy actions that remove inertia and allow you to test out new behaviors. Nudges are recommendations — they gently suggest a new direction to consider, eliminating your subconscious predispositions so that making a positive choice is the easy choice.

Nudges are an integral part of enacting culture transformation within a workplace. The use of nudges can encourage work performance, improve productivity, increase engagement, optimize goal achievement, and create a positive, happy workplace environment.

How are nudges used?

In contrast to heavy-handed programs that demand change or limit options, “nudging” has been proven to be far more beneficial. These simple and subtle reminders can have a strong impact on creating significant and lasting behavior change. In a study of over 1,300 workplace professionals, Vityl found that an overwhelming 73% of surveyed employees would welcome regular nudges and suggestions focused on driving belonging for themselves and others. So how are they used?

Nudging comes in many different forms. Employees can be coached on how to give or receive constructive feedback or advocate for themselves in one-on-ones. Managers can be reminded to check in with a new team member with a light agenda. Nudges can serve as reminders for you to set goals at the beginning of the quarter or meet with a colleague you haven’t chatted with in a while.

Why should I engage with nudges?

Let’s face it: sometimes building culture takes a backseat to deliverables and busy work schedules.  Nudges are a great way to remove the guesswork and initiative generally required for culture change. They can help you facilitate social connections or recognize your colleagues. They serve as a personal coach, allowing you to foster a culture of belonging, develop meaningful relationships across your organization, and develop both personally and professionally — all with the click of a few buttons.

Want to implement nudges but don’t know where to start?

Vityl makes culture work easy and accessible. Your My Belonging page features mindset, action, and scheduling nudges that will coach you towards fostering a sense of belonging for yourself and others. Check it out today!

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